- We have to smash the Patriarchy!
- Don’t we all need loving Fathers and Mothers?
- What about matriarchy good & bad?
This is again probably not about Fathers. There are inevitably good and bad ones, but this is about removing what is perceived to be a power structure, so it's connected with CRT/I.
As with other elements of CRT this is often an exaggeration of an issue to destroy what is often a loving supportive relationship, to break down helpful relationships within the family.
It also is aimed at men in general, fathers or not, to demoralise them and reduce their sense of responsibility and involvement.
The aim is to keep people isolated, unconnected and thus dependent on the all-wise state...
Shield verses
- Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Ep 6:4 - God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number..."
Gen 1:28
Digging deeper
Stream: Society
/ Section: Progressive beliefs