- Extreme weather proves global warming
- We've got to get to net zero by ... small islands are being submerged
- Are you a climate denier?
- You must get an electric car
- It's been getting warmer since the last ice age
- We need to manage this in a calm and effective way
- The Dutch have been dealing with it for decades
- Let’s talk about ideology vs solutions
The climate has been changing since the beginning with large changes of temperature above and below what we see now.
The natural forces behind the current warmish period (10,000 years) are still operating.
Man’s very recent impact on climate is still not scientifically understood. Issues like flooding and wildfire loss have actually decreased.
Some parties do seem to have a vested interest in putting over a more catastrophic view of current trends than actual observations show. Some of these are commercial, some political, some ideological. The Maldives were predicted to be underwater by now - but a new airport has just been built.
Proposed enforced actions will not stop the natural changes. It's good to minimise climate influences that hurt mankind, also adaptation to changes. Any actions must be taken in the context of the flourishing of mankind as a whole, not a pretext to advance authoritarian controls. See article by a Nobel Laureate on bad science.
Shield verses
- And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Mt 24:14