'Racial reconciliation has already happened. It happened in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ reconciled his elect to each other and to God. That’s why there’s no more Jew or Greek, white or black—we’re all one in Christ Jesus. Beware of anyone who says otherwise.' Samuel Sey @slowtowrite.
In the topics we've caught some of the simple psychology behind our wariness of strangers. We are made to be ashamed of our colonial past though none today were involved and few know much anyway of the pros and cons (see Colonialism article).
Because we assume that people strongly accusing us must be right we are easily manipulated into swallowing accusations.
The issue has been strongly weaponised by progressives, not least 'DEI consultants', into vicious attacks on anyone who does not buy into this ideology: white or black-skinned. Epoch Times discusses how this has affected many organisations including charities, especially in the US: Woke Ideology Is Corrupting the Mission of My Employer Staff members being asked to 'sign declarations that all white people are racist, including themselves', and have 'thought reform sessions'.
Wider considerations
There can be strong currents of hatred between communities and it can be based on many attributes - but typically reflects the scorn of the conquer for the conquered, the strong for the weak, the rich for the poor (even when the 'rich' have done nothing more than win the lottery), the clever for the not so. And the more they are physically neighbours, the more opportunity there is to offend, and the more intense can be the rivalry. These different currents are so well expressed in this 1956 discussion:
We can't avoid being caught up in this, and almost relish the feeling of grievance as it nourishes our right to get our own back... Even when we're the one 'on top' we find it hard to treat the other as an equal.
That's where Jesus is so helpful - picking a diverse group of disciples, 'staff' - from the intellectual John to the well-off and educated Matthew to the radical Judas and the bluff Simon. They all got to know that with Jesus they were both found wanting yet wanted. They realised that they could contribute their best, which would be appreciated by Jesus, but still not gain any more status with him than 'friend'. This prepared them for their work of apostleship, being the humble but assured models for the early believers. We can be this too.
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many