Read time: 5 minutes.

Here are some topics, tailored to the UK but no-doubt applicable everywhere - please add your own!
See rationale here.
Linked to this is Build a country you want to live in.
- thanks for the tradition of caring inspired by the Christian ethos of the equal and special value of everyone, and responsibility for mutual care
- thanks for the dedication of so many of our local GPs, hospital staff and community health workers
- pray for more people to seek to be doctors, nurses and coordinators
- that there will be renewed focus on patient care over administrative convenience
- that people will be treated as made in the image of God, not biological machines
- thanks that God loves us and is the sole giver of life and will receive us at a time of His choosing
- pray that the UK bill will be defeated
- that an attempt in Scotland will be defeated, also Jersey and IoM
- it will be revoked or more strictly controlled in Canada, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Oregon
- old or disabled people will not think of themselves as 'a burden' but seek God’s purposes for themselves each day and flourish.
- for hospices and care homes, especially Martlets, Lindridge ...
- that hospitals will prevent unsolicited DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) notices and improper use of drugs
- that hospitals will be transparent and accountable concerning turning off life support (BBC Premier)
Unborn children
- thanks for the truly amazing gift of children, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made
- people prepared to speak up for children in the womb, even at risk to their jobs and liberty
- the medical skills available for maternity care
- pray to reduce the minimum legal time from 24-22 weeks as younger premature babies are surviving
- against decriminalising abortion up to birth
- for improved adoption and fostering services that place children with loving families
- to stop abortion altogether (over 700/day in UK), and wisdom on IVF
- thanks for families - a God-given structure that supports the loving nurture of children and care for all ages
- the good we have seen in our own and other families
- pray for the restoration of support for families in the tax system and in the public perception
- for a strong sense of the importance of marriage as a joy and vocation
- for more children in our families
- thanks for those in the armed services – with a mission to establish and maintain international civil order
- remembering 80 years since D-Day (celebrated 5-6 June) and the defeat of authoritarian aggression
- pray for a renewed sense of vocation leading to better recruitment
- chaplains and other Christians leading services, evangelising and counselling
- leaders demonstrating a commitment to high standards of bravery, service & professionalism over cultural ideology
- for financial support for effective equipment and sufficient personnel
Business & Economy
- thanks for the fruits of the earth that supply us with our ‘daily bread’. You know our needs even before we ask
- well-established patterns of trade and commerce that allow us to have enough food and shelter
- ordered, ethical business practices that lead to better material and social outcomes
- pray for effective entrepreneurs, managers and technicians to create and produce products that aid and enhance daily life
- the best use and husbanding of our natural resources
- planned provision of affordable energy using all the sources we have available
- fair distribution of the wealth of the nation that first promotes productivity and can then support those in need
- reduction in undue taxation and resultant Government spending that hampers growth and centralises resource-allocation power
- no government vetting of private purchases or authoritarian restrictions on individuals eg through CBDCs or de-banking
- growth in 'making things' - core manufacture, farming, fishing
- growth in selling things abroad - it's basic housekeeping that if you want to 'import' things you cant make at home, you have to 'export' your labour externally to bring in cash - same with nations.
Free speech
- thanks for the tradition of open discourse within a framework of truthfulness and respect that has Christian roots, and leads to social and economic prosperity
- for media channels that remain or have become more balanced
- pray for repeal of ‘Hate Crime’ law in Scotland
- social media companies manage posts according to common law, not ideology or political control
- ‘disinformation’ will be based on factual evidence not whether it strays from an official narrative
- criticism of any creed, belief or practice is never proscribed - no ideological 'blasphemy' laws
Local & central government
- thanks for a form of government that has brought tremendous benefits in the past
- that all authority only exists because you ordain it (
Jn 19:11 ) - for Christian organisations that support good governing: Christian Concern, Christian Institute, CARE
- pray for a recovery of democratic principles against growing authoritarian and bureaucratic centralisation
- that its ethos will reflect Christian truths about the created order not human-invented ideologies
- that our Prime Minister, other ministers, MPs will fulfil your mandate for them, to whom they will give account
- for fair taxation and a sense of public service in place of undue central control
- fair elections as a foundation of respect for all people and confidence in legitimate and orderly governance
- our local counsellors (you may know some by name) for Godly wisdom and energy in the many issues they find themselves involved in
- the Police service, Fire service, Social Services and other community work
International cooperation
- thanks for international bodies that genuinely seek peace & cooperation between nations
- stronger nations like US, UK and others when they have helped keep peace and advance prosperity
- pray for restraint in global organisations UN, World Bank, WHO, WEF that seek undue control over the affairs of nations outside of democratic choice
- that the government & UN will insist on protection for Christians in the many countries where they are persecuted in spite of existing legal charter agreements
- for transparency and accountability to national taxpayers for programme aims, funding, and staff (anti-corruption)
- for an emphasis on local entrepreneurship and enterprise in place of centralised dependency
Creation care
- thanks for our amazing world – its beauty and complexity from universe to single cell!
- God’s provision of food and shelter – every hair on your head
- mankind as the crown of creation and the mandate to fill the earth and husband its resources
- that we can ‘think God’s thoughts after him’ in scientific discovery (Kepler)
- pray that the earth’s resources are developed and shared to the benefit of the local inhabitants
- that science is conducted honestly without ideological bias or financial incentive
- that we continue to enjoy natural beauty and see God’s hand in it
- thanks for Christians founding free education in Britain
- the many dedicated teachers and support organisations (Festive, Diocese, OTF, B&HCM)
- the amazing educational standards in the past which led to prosperity and well-being in Britain and shared abroad
- pray for a genuine return to making learning a priority and a joy
- increased discipline in classrooms to assist teachers and pupils to use the time well
- rejection of progressive ideological teaching around race, identity, gender
- teaching history accurately without political bias
- sciences to reflect best evidence around creation in place of evolutionary theory
- vouchers for education of choice so independent schools have better funding
- thanks for God’s '10 laws of life' as a framework for thriving
- a stable legal system existing in Britain for many centuries (back to Alfred), founded on God’s law
- the many legal staff endeavouring to bring Godly justice
- pray for judges not to exceed their authority by seeking to be the executive
- an end to ‘lawfare’ where government or wealthy individuals bring spurious cases for ideological ends
- rejection of laws that restrict Christian freedom to preach
- repeal of laws that enshrine unbiblical practices
- enforcing respect for gender-specific spaces
- outlawing Sharia and other extra-judicial enforcement systems