This is an emotive topic - but all the more reason to think carefully about it and be purposeful and persistent in our response. Advocates for abortion are strident - perhaps to cover weaknesses in their argument, however they are seeking to extend its already considerable reach.
"If the decriminalisation of abortion is successful, make no mistake: it won’t do anything to actually help women. For a small percentage who believe terminating a baby is an essential part of women’s progress, the rest of us will lose recognition of the personhood of our babies. For those who suffer the tragic loss of a much wanted baby this way, justice will be denied them." CARE
We all know that life is precious and this is made more poignant when someone who could have lost their life speaks about it.
"I'm so grateful to God that there were people who came alongside my very young mother when she was in a very broken place, and there I was, in her womb... They saw me as someone with value. I'm so grateful... My life has purpose." Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette
On the NHS page, it's notable that their links to 'Impartial information and support' include only places supporting abortion - not one to routes such as Adoption or support in motherhood.
A survey of reasons for abortion is here.
Pro-life groups are active and vibrant not least among the young, in the UK: countering pro-abortion arguments and in the US:
"Abortion has become the ‘choice’ that many women are expected to make. But if they are only offered one choice, that’s no choice at all." Sharon James
Reposting our most #Viral clip from 2022: @KristanHawkins
— Students for Life of America (@StudentsforLife) December 26, 2022
There is effective support for alternatives.
So why the one-sided attitude of the NHS? It's clearly aligning with the view that life is disposable, not sacred, that we can do whatever we like with our bodies - even other people's bodies in the case of the pre-born. Why this attitude - why not truly 'impartial' advice? Is it the tax cost through paying possible benefits - unlikely? Is it a reflection of feminism - our rights - (fathers rarely seem to be considered) - maybe? Is it the need for medical research? Don't ask!
But underlying this is a seeming ease with death, a sorrowful or strident rejection of the giver of life. There is also another who has similar motives. We must not do his work.